by | Jun 20, 2022 | Landscaping and Xeriscaping Design, Summer, Weeds & Pests
Summer brings sunshine, days at the beach, lazy hammock naps, and plenty of welcome warm air. However, it also brings summer pests that can eat away at your plants and trees, leading to landscaping destruction or even the death of some of your plants or trees. Quick...
by | Oct 28, 2021 | Fall, Landscaping and Xeriscaping Design, News, Summer, Winter
Fall has arrived, and winter is coming faster than any of us would like to admit. Even though some days remind us of the warm, sunny months, sweater weather is almost here. This is a cold reminder that your plants need to be changed to ones that can withstand the...
by | Oct 28, 2021 | Landscaping and Xeriscaping Design, Summer
Ever heard the song, you can’t hurry love? We feel this way about the process of harvesting our plants and flowers. We have more than a dozen greenhouses across the Dallas-Fort Worth area, providing us with an abundance of gorgeous flowers throughout the year. Unlike...
by EarthWorks | Oct 5, 2021 | Landscaping and Xeriscaping Design, Summer
Summer is officially over. The time for pumpkin spice lattes and sweater weather is quickly approaching. This time of year also means it’s time to prepare your trees for winter and the cold temperatures. Even though many people believe that spring is the best time to...
by EarthWorks | Oct 5, 2021 | Landscaping and Xeriscaping Design, Summer
You can’t win this one on your own. People ask us all the time, “How do I beat those weeds?” Understandably, those weeds have to go. They steal water and nutrients from your desirable plants and most spread until they overrun everything from the rhododendrons to...
by EarthWorks | Sep 1, 2021 | Landscaping and Xeriscaping Design, Summer
As landscaping experts, we are accustomed to spending our days outdoors. We keep an eye on local forecasts, take preventative measures to protect plants in extreme temperatures, and we can quickly identify and address the signs of heat stress in plants when the Texas...