Do You Want Strong, Healthy Trees? Here’s Why Pruning in the Winter Helps.

pruning trees

The trees on your property provide oxygen, sunshade, and natural aesthetic beauty. One of the best ways to return the favor to these living beings is to take care of them during the winter months. Pruning trees in the late fall/winter season lays the groundwork for a great spring when they can thrive and show healthy growth.

Winter is when trees and plants go into their dormancy stage. But despite buds still being closed and lacking foliage on branches, you should still prune them so you can reap the benefits. 

Trees are an asset to any property and a worthwhile investment. A healthy tree in very good condition can be worth thousands of dollars which can lead to an increase of 14% in the value of your property. When you care for your property’s landscape, you help maintain the aesthetic of your property while ensuring your property’s value.

What Are The Benefits of Pruning In The Winter?

Pruning in Winter Protects Trees From Disease and Insect Activity

When the weather warms up in spring, trees become vulnerable to attack by insects. That’s because fresh cuts on a branch from pruning can allow entry to bacteria and fungi. The insects act as hosts for these dangerous intruders, which can kill a tree if not sufficiently controlled. This is why we do our pruning in the winter.

Winter pruning is especially important for oak trees, which are susceptible to oak wilt disease. This aggressive infestation kills thousands of oaks every year and spreads quickly during the spring and summer months. Its devastating effect makes it one of the most serious tree diseases in the U.S.

Help Trees Heal Faster And Create Robust Growth

Pruning trees during the Winter months exposes them to less stress. Trees need adequate time to heal after being pruned, so it’s best to do it during their dormant season when they are at rest. When spring arrives, they will be more robust and ready for another cycle of growth.

After removing weak and vulnerable branches, your tree will have more structural strength. This will allow it to withstand severe weather conditions, such as high winds, freezing rain, or heavy snowfalls. Winter comes with its challenges, and pruning it will allow you to see how prepared a tree is to withstand them.

Save Time and Money By Pruning Trees During Dormant Season

Winter pruning is faster and more efficient than any other season. Branches devoid of foliage are easier to access, and the bare limbs have less potential to become damaged. The overall lightness of the tree means less physical effort on your part and more free time for you to do other things.

The Controversial Question About Crape Myrtles: To Prune or Not To Prune?

crape myrtleDespite the aesthetic value of pruning these beautiful southern shrubs, pruning crape myrtles is somewhat controversial among arborists.

There is no clear horticultural need for pruning this popular Texas shrub, but if you decide to do it, there are ways to do it correctly.

Cuts made to a crape myrtle should be no larger than the diameter of a pencil. This removes the spent seed heads, which support their growth and health. When the previous year’s dead plant material is removed, it allows for new growth in spring. Over-pruning should be avoided as it can damage the crape myrtle.

However, in our opinion, we feel it’s best to leave them alone. They are a hardy shrub that seems to take the Texas winters well and come back in all their glory in the spring!

Trust Us As Your Expert Commercial Landscaping Company

Our team of experienced professionals takes pride in our work and are ready to maintain your property’s value by using proper winter pruning techniques for maximum spring results. Contact us today for an estimate for your all your landscape maintenance needs.


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