A Message From Our President – Chris Lee

chris lee

Be kind.
It’s a simple but powerful concept, but it’s also much easier said than done. We all get caught up in our own moments and our own stresses, and far too often, others around us pay the price for that. Whether it be an undeserved harsh response, severe overreaction, or a cold stare. Whatever it is, it has one powerful function – it transfers our negativity to others. Then once we’ve removed the other person’s happiness and replaced it with our negativity, we send them off to infect the next person. It’s like slowly poisoning the world. 
Why not do the opposite when we can? Why not be kind in the face of adversity, why not assume the best instead of always assuming the worst, or why not smile at a stranger for no reason at all? Why not focus on infecting others with positivity? Believe it or not, it spreads like wildfire, too. Just with much happier results.
Try it, be kind, not only will you make others feel better about the world, you just might find, it makes you feel better about it too.




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