Case Study Survey Questionnaire

Thank you for agreeing to help us with a case study on your customer. We’ve create a few questions below to make it easier on you. Please be as descriptive as possible.

    Enter your Name

    Enter your Email-Id

    What is the name of the property?

    Where are they located?

    What was the problem they were having (Minimum 10 words)?

    How did the problem affect tenants (not a functional area, poor layout, dated looking, ugly, other) ?

    What caused the customer to take action (losing clients, unable to compete with other properties in the area, drought or freeze, erosion, management decision, or other)?

    What was the approach and process you took (plans drawn up, joint meetings with client, etc)?

    How was the client involved?

    What was technically involved (permits needed, heavy equipment requirements, etc)?

    Any hiccups or issues that needed to be overcome?

    Was the project delivered on time? Under budget?

    Anything notable that was better than expected?

    A quote or anything from the client would be great as well.

    Additional information

    Please attach any photos or drawings of the before and after if available.


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